

# orchestrator

Get/set the PORT number of the ScriptX.Services Orchestrator ('reverse proxy') to use. By definition orchestrator only listens on the local-loopback address.

This is only useful in uses cases of multiple users are simultaneously logged in to an instance of Windows. In these cases, the port number used by ScriptX.Services for Windows PC will be unqiue for each user.

The port number for the orchestrator is the same for each user as the orchestrator server is only active while the user is active.

View Source meadco-scriptxprint.js, line 1629

# orchestratorKey

Get/set the key to use with Orchestrator Service for ScriptX.Services for Windows PC to recover the port registered for use with the same key. Typically, this will be the user name but can be any value.

View Source meadco-scriptxprint.js, line 1641