

 * MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF
 * A static class providing printing of PDF files.
 * Requires: 
 * - meadco-core.js
 * - meadco-scriptxprint.js
 * The purpose of these libraries is to assist those with a body of client javascript code targetting use of the ScriptX Add-On for Internet Explorer. These libraries assist with continuing with a large part of the code
 * intact when transitioning to using ScriptX.Services instead/as well.
 * Includes processing of calls to the print api that return "printing to file" including collecting the
 * file output.
 * @namespace MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF

; (function (name, definition) {
    extendMeadCoNamespace(name, definition);
})('MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF', function () {

    var moduleversion = "";

     * Enum to describe the orientation of the paper
     * @memberof MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF
     * @typedef {number} PageOrientation
     * @enum {PageOrientation}
     * @readonly
     * @property {number} DEFAULT 0 use the default at the print server
     * @property {number} LANDSCAPE 1 
     * @property {number} PORTRAIT 2 
    var mPageOrientation = {
        DEFAULT: 0,
        LANDSCAPE: 1,
        PORTRAIT: 2

     * Enum to describe a boolean value or use the default 
     * @memberof MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF
     * @typedef {number} BooleanOption
     * @enum {BooleanOption}
     * @readonly
     * @property {number} DEFAULT 0 use the default at the print server
     * @property {number} TRUE 1 
     * @property {number} FALSE 2 
    var mBooleanOption = {
        DEFAULT: 0,
        TRUE: 1,
        FALSE: 2

     * Enum to describe the page scaling to perfor, 
     * @memberof MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF
     * @typedef {number} PdfPageScaling
     * @enum {PdfPageScaling}
     * @readonly
     * @property {number} UNDEFINED Not specified (ShrinkToFit is used instead)
     * @property {number} NONE No scaling 
     * @property {number} FITTOPAPER Scale up to fit to paper if document is smaller than the paper
     * @property {number} SHRINKLARGEPAGES Only scale to fit oversized pages 
    var mPdfPageScaling = {
        UNDEFINED: -1,
        NONE: 0,
        FITTOPAPER: 1,

     * Enum to describle the print quality of images
     * @memberof MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF
     * @typedef {number} PdfPrintQuality
     * @enum {PdfPrintQuality}
     * @readonly
     * @property {number} NORMAL Normal quality
     * @property {number} HIGH High quality
     * @property {number} LOSSLESS Highest quality
    var mPdfPrintQuality = {
        NORMAL: 0,
        HIGH: 1,
        LOSSLESS: 2

    var PdfPrintSettings =
        jobDescription: "",
        pageRange: "",
        pageScaling: mPdfPageScaling.UNDEFINED,
        autoRotateCenter: mBooleanOption.DEFAULT,
        orientation: mPageOrientation.DEFAULT,
        monochrome: mBooleanOption.DEFAULT,
        normalise: mBooleanOption.DEFAULT,
        printQuality: mPdfPrintQuality.NORMAL

    function printPdfAtServer(document, fnDone, fnCallback, data) {
        return MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.printPdf(document, PdfPrintSettings, fnDone, fnCallback, data);

    MeadCo.log("MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF " + moduleversion + " loaded.");

    if (!this.jQuery) {
        MeadCo.log("**** warning :: no jQuery");

    // public API
    return {
        PageOrientation: mPageOrientation,
        BooleanOption: mBooleanOption,
        PdfPageScaling: mPdfPageScaling,
        PdfPrintQuality: mPdfPrintQuality,

         * The soft settings to use when printing PDF content - options controlling the rendering of the content.
         * (Device settings such as papersize, printer are described with MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.deviceSettings)
         * @memberof MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF
         * @typedef Settings
         * @property {string} jobDescription Optional description for the print which will be used as the jobname in the printer queue
         * @property {string} pageRange The rage of pages to print. Empty means all, or from-to or comma delimited sets of from-to
         * @property {BooleanOption} shrinkToFit Shrink the PDF page to fit the paper, optional true by default
         * @property {PdfPageScaling} pageScaling If given then shrinkToFit is ignored and this scaling is used.
         * @property {BooleanOption} autoRotateCenter Indicates whether pages should be rotated to fit on the paper and centered. If this parameter is not given then it will be set to true if shrinkToFit is true or pageScaling is FITTOPAPER.
         * @property {PageOrientation} orientation Required oritentation on the printed paper
         * @property {boolean} monochrome Specifies if monochrome printing should be used. This option is known not to work with some HP printers due to issues in HP print drivers. 
         * @property {boolean} normalise  Indicates whether or not the pages should be processed to ensure drawing operations are at the expected positions. This option may assist if documents do not print as required.
        settings: PdfPrintSettings,

         * Reset the soft settings to use when printing PDF content to default.
         * @memberof MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF
         * @function resetSettings
        resetSettings: function () {
            PdfPrintSettings.jobDescription = "";
            PdfPrintSettings.pageRange = "";
            PdfPrintSettings.pageScaling = mPdfPageScaling.UNDEFINED;
            PdfPrintSettings.autoRotateCenter = mBooleanOption.DEFAULT;
            PdfPrintSettings.orientation = mPageOrientation.DEFAULT;
            PdfPrintSettings.monochrome = mBooleanOption.DEFAULT;
            PdfPrintSettings.normalise = mBooleanOption.DEFAULT;
            PdfPrintSettings.printQuality = mPdfPrintQuality.NORMAL;

         * Print the document obtained by downloading the given url, use the current settings to control the rendering.
         * @memberof MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF
         * @function print
         * @param {string} sUrl the fully qualified url to the PDF document to be printed.
         * @param {function({string})} fnCallOnDone function to call when printing complete (and output returned), arg is null on no error, else error message.
         * @param {function(status,sInformation,data)} fnCallback function to call when job status is updated
         * @param {any} data object to give pass to fnCallback
         * @return {boolean} - true if a print was started (otherwise an error will be thrown)
        print: function (sUrl, fnCallOnDone, fnCallback, data) {
            return printPdfAtServer(sUrl, fnCallOnDone, fnCallback, data);

         * Specify the server and the subscription/license id to use on AJAX calls. No call is made in this function
         * @function connectLite
         * @memberof MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF
         * @param {string} serverUrl the 'root' url to the server (the api path will be added by the library)
         * @param {string} licenseGuid the license/subscription identifier
        connectLite: function (serverUrl, licenseGuid) {
            MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.connectLite(serverUrl, licenseGuid);

         * Specify the server to use and the subscription/license id. 
         * Attempt to connect to the defined ScriptX.Services server and obtain
         * device settings for the default device as well as the list
         * of available printers. 
         * This call is not required if client side code doesnt need to know about available printers
         * but can assume. It also is not required if MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.HTML.connect[Async]() has been called.
         * This call is synchronous and therefore not recommended. Use connectAsync()
         * @function connect
         * @memberof MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF
         * @param {string} serverUrl the 'root' url to the server (the api path will be added by the library)
         * @param {string} licenseGuid the license/subscription identifier
        connect: function (serverUrl, licenseGuid) {
            MeadCo.warn("Print.PDF SYNC connection request");
            MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.connectLite(serverUrl, licenseGuid);
            MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.getFromServer("/htmlPrintDefaults/?units=" +, false,
                function (data) {
                    MeadCo.log("got default html settings");
                    if (data.device !== null) {
                        MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.connectDeviceAndPrinters(data.device, data.availablePrinters);


         * Specify the server to use and the subscription/license id. 
         * Attempt to connect to the defined ScriptX.Services server and obtain
         * device settings for the default device as well as the list
         * of available printers. 
         * This call is not required if client side code doesnt need to know about available printers
         * but can assume. It also is not required if MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.HTML.connect[Async]() has been called.
         * @function connectAsync
         * @memberof MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.PDF
         * @param {string} serverUrl the 'root' url to the server (the api path will be added by the library)
         * @param {string} licenseGuid the license/subscription identifier
         * @param {function} resolve function to call on success
         * @param {function} reject function to call on failure
        connectAsync: function (serverUrl, licenseGuid, resolve, reject) {
            MeadCo.log("Print.PDF ASYNC connection request");
            MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.connectLite(serverUrl, licenseGuid);
            MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.getFromServer("/htmlPrintDefaults", true,
                function (data) {
                    MeadCo.log("got default html settings");
                    if (data.device !== null) {
                        MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.connectDeviceAndPrinters(data.device, data.availablePrinters);
                    else {
                        reject("Server did not respond with valid settings");
                }, reject);

         * Get the version of this module as a string
         * @property {string} version
         * @memberof MeadCo.ScriptX.Print.HTML
        get version() { return moduleversion; }

